Welcome to our site!

Professional, compliant, knowledgeable and attentive - all words synonymous with us.

People come to us because they want, need and expect something that they just won't get from other companies. We haven't earned our reputation of leading company overnight. It has taken years of listening to what contractors and freelancers hunger for - and we deliver it in abundance!

Our service is different to other companies because of our unrivalled expertise, attention to detail and outstanding customer service. Companies come and go but RAD has stood the test of time because we understand our industry and more importantly your needs.

Our commitment charter

Registering with AT PARTNERS – FZCO

Online Employment File Set-up

If registering before 16.30 Monday to Friday, your online employment file will be activated the same day. After business hours Monday to Thursday, your online employment file will be activated first thing the following morning.

Starter Pack Email

We send you a Starter Pack email shortly after your online employment file has been activated to confirm the processes and what happens next.

Day to day service

Phone calls

We realise how frustrating platform-based call centres are so a 'real' person always answers the phone within 4 rings.

Invoices sent same day

Invoices will be sent to the agency (or end client) the same day if your online timesheet is submitted to us before 16.30, Monday to Friday.

Expense checking

We will monitor your expense claims and provide advice where required.

Secure Employee area

The employee's area is secured sockets layer so your privacy is guaranteed.